Monday, April 25, 2016

Statistics Of Cobbs Creek

The population total is 43,165 people total.

  1. 66% is Black, 20% is white, 6% is hispanic, the rest of the 8% is a minority of different races.
  2. Median household income - $30,507
  3. Average rent - $643
  4. Median Age - 32.5
  5. Males - 32.5/Females - 38.9
  6. Average household size - 2.7 people
  7. Percentage of family households - 37.3
  8. Percentage of married couple families - 17.9%
  9. Percentage of married couples with children - 11.7%
  10. Percentage of single mother households - 30.1%
  11. Average price of home - $92,260
  12. Summarize the level of education - K-12 ( 29.3%) Undergraduate - 9.2% Professional - 4.7% - Private schools - 52.1%

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